Ben Pakulski's MI40 Review
‘It took me months to workout and I ate too much to get a perfect body!’ Most of the body builders claim this because they actually do work out for a long time to get the desired results. However Ben Pakulski, after 14 years of restless research and experiments, has proven that the reason why it takes so long for athletes and other people to get a perfect body is because their diet and exercise is not optimized. Putting bodybuilding aside, if the operating process is not optimized in any activity, the output is not favorable because either too less or too much work is done. Taking an example from Economics, there is an optimum level of output whereby the costs of production are the lowest. However, if there is an attempt to further lower the costs, they will actually increase.
So Ben introduced his Mass Intentions 40 (MI40) that suggests optimized methods and techniques resulting in the perfect output in just 40 days (6 weeks). So the first primary question: Why should you trust MI40? So as mentioned, Ben claims to have spent about 14 years on research and experiments which makes it obvious that the product is not just introduced to make the producer RICH. By ‘research’ I do not mean just sitting over a chair in front of the screen and surveying links but Ben met and discussed things frequently with the world’s best doctors, nutritionists and bodybuilding coaches. Moreover, whatever he discovered he tested/experimented on himself simply because he was confident over his findings. Nevertheless, Ben Pakulski became one of the top 15 ranked pro bodybuilders of the world and was listed on several fitness magazines.
But how can one be on the top 15 list without consuming supplements? Well, Ben claims that ‘approximately 90% of his clients are 100% drug-free’. Moreover, his motto (The more you know, the more you grow!) makes it clear that this product uses intelligent methods and if they are continuously followed, the effects are long lasting. Conversely, using drugs and supplements may only affect the outer body while Ben’s MI40 not only treats the outer body but also builds up on the inside (or in Ben’s words, this is the WHOLE BODY approach). Precisely, following the MI40 program will allow you to utilize your time at gym more efficiently and through scientific logics, it will help you gain muscles and lose fats, both at the same time. However, everything in this world needs dedication, loyalty, determination and hard work. After all, this is a scientifically-logical program and not merely a MAGIC that will transform your body even if you are not regularly exercising. So without a doubt, the MI40 program is for anyone, males or females, who are ready to dedicate their 40 days to this program.

So what does the total package contains? Basically it consists of 8 components and none of them can be considered unimportant for an effective 40-days workout program.
- The 40-day MASS Intelligence Training Manual is the first component where you can find all the training techniques on how to create tension in the muscle and the usage of Neurological Overload set (NOS). This manual goes into great depth of the logic and science behind the NOS and execution of intention. Just to be brief, NOS is a set that overloads the body so that hormones grow inside the muscle at the OPTIMUM level. This is to overcome the doubt at gym whether you have done enough of it or you need more. Ben claims NOS to be the most efficient way of taking a muscle to a complete physical exhaustion.
- The 40-day MASS Consumption Nutrition Manual covers the most mysterious logic behind the Ben Pakalski’s MI40 program i.e. gaining muscles along with losing fats in less time. Some bodybuilders are often misguided as they assume that the best way to get a so-called PERFECT body is too eat as much as you can. Ben proves this completely wrong as scientifically too much fats are harmful. For a literally perfect body, you need to minimize fats and maximize muscles which can be done by the three-phase nutrition program covered in this manual.
- The 40-day MASS Instruction Workout Videos will include workouts for abs, legs, back, biceps, triceps and so much more. The videos are of Ben training some globally renowned athletes like bodybuilding champion Matt Sterling, TNA wrestler Rob Terry and Pro Fitness Model Vince Del Monte.
- The 40-Day MASS Proportions Exercise Execution Guide lists 40 most efficient and best exercises categorized into MASS construction and MASS appeal exercises. You may find SOME of these exercises in most books but not MOST of them in even some books! Moreover, it does not only guide you with words but also demonstrations are given using pictures on how to start and how to end. All the exercises optimally utilize all body parts resulting in a fast muscle growth and making this program successful.

- The 40-day MASS Prescription Workout Sheets (Printable) helps make the 40 exercises as efficient as possible by measuring each exercise i.e. rest period, rep, set, tempo, applying NOS and etc. You can simply print those out and instead of taking the risk of guessing what to do, work out accurately as mentioned in the sheets and the 40-day promise will be fulfilled for sure.
- The 40-day MASS Pursuit Calendar acts as a reminder and a weapon to set goals on how to move on during the next remaining days. Moreover, it helps people to track their progress throughout the program.
- The 40-day MASS Supplement Stack Protocol suggests some supplements that are NOT AT ALL harmful as they are made up of fish oils, minerals, proteolytic Enzymes, turmeric and other beneficial ingredients. It supports in reducing inflammation which is a very important factor in this process.
- Revising Ben’s motto, this Size Secrets Audio Interrogation helps you learn some strategies that are beneficial for you and further increases the size. The knowledge is a mixture of thoughts by some world best doctors, coaches, trainers and therapists.
So what are you waiting for, stop wasting time and money on gym and too much food when you have the secret to a 40-day workout plan, Ben Pakalski’s MI40 that ensures best results at an affordable price.